The Men’s Intercollegiate Gymnastic Support Program, Inc. (MIGS Program) has been working closely with the University of Illinois-Chicago (UIC) Men’s and Women’s Gymnastic Teams and the College Coaches Association to reverse the decision by the administration to eliminate varsity college gymnastics from the UIC campus. This poorly considered decision will have a rippling adverse affect on gymnastics community and opportunities for current and future generations of male and female gymnasts which is not and cannot be acceptable.
As part of the MIGS Program effort to help with messaging and fundraising, we have designed a ‘#FlipTheDecision’ t-shirt and banner (4’ x 4’) which includes two former UIC gymnasts and the Chicago Skyline superimposed on the outline of the United States. Please click on the link to see a very relevant message from Mike Burns and the University of Minnesota Men’s Gymnastic Team:
It is our request that every gymnast, alumni, coach, judge, club owner, parent and friend of gymnastics purchase this t-shirt and wear it at every competition this year. Furthermore, it is our request that every gymnastic team in the country purchase a banner, put on the shirt, create a respectful ‘#FlipTheDecision’ picture and video, and send it to the UIC Athletic Director, President and Board of Regents. It is important that the UIC get a very important message from everyone in the gymnastic community that their decision is a bad one and must be reversed.
TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!!! So, do it now. There are two ways to order:
Order on line at: Click on ‘Help Save UIC’. Please place order as a team, if possible, to ensure efficiency of delivery and to reduce cost of shipping.Fill out the attached order form and mail it along with a check to the designated address.
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of this request and…
Best regards,
Bob Wuornos, Ph.D., Founder, MIGS Program, 612-270-9507,