2022 Iowa Men's Gymnastics
a GymACT fundraiser giving back 100% of raised funds straight this newly (re)formed, and completely self-funded program.
Gymact assisted IOWA men's gymnastics team starting their self-funded program. The community came together STRONG and through combined efforts
we raised over $6,300.
Original GymACT "Iowa" Campaign:
In 2021 University of Iowa removed men's gymnastics team from their athletic department's NCAA varsity roster. The program now survives under the auspices of the university recreational department, which means they are now self-funded.
2022 marks Iowa Men's Gymnastics first season as a member of GymACT and we are reaching out to our beloved gymnastics community to help get this "new" team up and tumbling!
We invite you to donate and ensure continuity to this program's 99-year history of high level competitive gymnastics.
GymACT (Gymnastics Association of College Teams) is a not-for-profit 501c3 organization. Your donation is tax deductible and 100% of the funds collected in this campaign go directly to the University of Iowa Men's Gymnastics team.